
Requesting Support

Please review the documentation before requesting support. Most common questions are already answered in the FAQ.

If you have questions that are not already answered in the FAQ, or believe you identified a bug, our preferred method of communication is GitHub. Using GitHub allows other user users encountering similar issues to benefit from discussion. Bug reports and feature requests should be reported in Git Issues, while general questions and discussion should occur within a GitHub Discussion.

If you need support and do not have a GitHub account, you can email

If the issue you are asking about involves a specific document, you are more likely to receive a helpful response if you attach that document. While we understand that not all documents can be shared, it is nearly impossible to troubleshoot issues along the lines of “the baseline is not calculated correctly for my document” without access to a document that produces the issue.

Using Older Versions

Scribe OCR is currently in active development, and has no formal versions/releases. To mitigate issues caused by new updates breaking features users were relying on, starting in April 2024, monthly snapshots are created on the 28th of each month. These snapshots can be accessed at [year-month] For example, the snapshot from May 28th can be found at If a feature was working for you last week, but appears to be broken now, you can try using an earlier snapshot.

These snapshots are intended to assist individual users who are in a pinch due to accidental breaking changes, and are not intended for long-term use. If you use a snapshot because of an issue with the live version, please be sure to report the underlying bug using a method described above so the issue can be fixed.